AYCD AutoSolve

Learn how to use AYCD AutoSolve.

AYCD AutoSolve is used to solve captchas more efficiently. With AutoSolve you can connect your AYCD account to Plugged iOS and use your Google accounts and even connect third party solvers such as 2Captcha and CapMonster. This is extremely beneficial for Footsites as you will have to solve a ton of captchas due to their antibot.

To Connect AYCD To Plugged iOS:

  1. Go to the settings tab

  2. Press AYCD AutoSolve

  3. Enable AYCD

  4. Paste your API key and access token

  5. Press save. Now you will not have to solve any captchas in Plugged iOS!

More information on how to purchase AYCD AutoSolve can be found in our Discord server in the #aycd-partnership channel.

Last updated